Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fatphobia. Week 33/52

Fatphobia. Week 33/52 by ms. wallflower
Fatphobia. Week 33/52, a photo by ms. wallflower on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
I know that women come in different shapes and sizes.
I know no matter what your size is you are beautiful.
I know no matter how hard i try to say i look "beautiful" i don't believe it.
I know i want to be a smaller size.
I know i can do it.

Fisshhhh. Week 32/52

Fisshhhh. Week 32/52 by ms. wallflower
Fisshhhh. Week 32/52, a photo by ms. wallflower on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Ichthyophobia: Fear of fish.

Do you have any pets?

My parents don't like pets, We had a boxer puppy for a week, she was so cute. That week was exciting and horrible at the same time. Because we've never had any real kind of pet, we were so afraid she was going to die. We didn't know how to care of her. It's all my older brothers fault really. He brought her knowing my dad doesn't like animals. He made us take care of her, like we knew how -_-. We eventually gave her/ sold her to another family. We named her Chocolate.
But we've had several other animals that didn't need a lot of maintenance.

1. Rabbits. (A relative gave them to us.One of the rabbits bit my brother, and my mom let them run away.)

2. Fishes. ( It was a big tank of fishes. They were pretty big, fishes included a black jaw-less fish, several big gold fishes? Too much maintenance so we gave them away)

3. A small baby rabbit. ( My brother brought it from his work. He was so small it creep me out because it's resemblance to mouses. He died, I'm not sure how.)

4. Several small gold fishes. ( When my nephew lived with us he liked watching the fishes at the local wall-mart, he would not leave the store with out one. His grandma bought him one each time. They eventually died one by one.

5. Birds. ( Not really my pet, but during a summer in high school a friend of mine asked me if i could take care of her birds while she went on vacation. I said yes, they were pretty loud and wanted them gone, i was also afraid they were going to die, Happy when they were gone.

| In this Picture:

6. A single gold fish. ( In the Picture.This fish has survived so far. We got him as a gift at a cotillion. I like him, he doesn't have a name tho.)

What's your pet history?|


Cucurbitophobia. Week 31/52

Via Flickr:
Cucurbitophobia: Fear of pumpkins

| What is something you fear?

I am not deathly afraid of anything in particular, but i am afraid of your general stuff, being buried alive, losing someone i love, the dark, scary things, ghost, y'know all that.

But i do have this one fear, where basically i can never out run this dog that is always chasing me in my dreams. I always seem to run in slow motion, and no matter how much i try to run fast i can't. My legs always seem to feel like they weight a ton, and i fear that this dog is going to attack me and kill me. I don't know where this comes from, and i have this dream quiet often that i know how its going to end.
Whats your biggest fear?|


Untittle. Week 30/52

Untittle. Week 30/52 by ms. wallflower
Untittle. Week 30/52, a photo by ms. wallflower on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
List of Halloween Related Phobias:
1. Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween
2. Bogyphobia : Fear of the Bogeyman
3. Claustrophobia: Fear of Confined spaces, like coffins
4. Coimetrophobia: Fear of Cemetaries
5. Cucurbitophobia: Fear of pumpkins
6. Demonophobia:Fear of Demons
7. Phasmophobia: Fear of Ghosts
8. Achluophobia: Fear of Darkness
9. Taphephobia: Fear of being buried alive
10. Phobophobia: Fear of The fear of fears
11. Satanophobia: Fear of Satan
12. Alliumphobia: Fear of Garlic
13. Triskaidekaphobia: Fear of The number 13


Halloween. Week 29/52

Halloween. Week 29/52 by ms. wallflower
Halloween. Week 29/52, a photo by ms. wallflower on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Favorite Halloween Movies?
1. Halloween Town series
2. Hocus Pocus

| In This Picture:
October is my favorite month. Not only do i have a birthday looking forward to, but it's also Halloween. I love everything about Halloween. I like looking at all the costumes and crazy make-up, the treats, the falling leaves and the decorated houses, especially the scary movies and scary stories. I'm too old to go trick or treating and to young to have kids to take trick or treating, but i always try to enjoy this month.
Whats your favorite month?


Halloween Pt. 2 Week 28/52

Via Flickr:
1. Halloween's roots can be traced back to Celtic culture in Ireland. According to their "Druid" religion, November 1st was New Years' on their calendar. The celebration would begin on October 31st ,and last into the following day. The spirits of all who died in the prior year, would rise up and roam the earth on this night.

This is an evil night when spirits roamed the streets and villages. Lord Samhain, the lord of Darkness, would arrive in search of the spirits to take them to the underworld.

Halloween as it is currently celebrated with costumes, trick or treat, and superstitions, takes from this Druid Holiday.

2. The name "Halloween" comes from Scotland and the Celtic Feast of the Sun which marked the end of summer was known as "Hallowe'en."

3. All Hallows Eve

Halloween was commonly referred to as "All Hollows" Eve. It originated from the pagan holiday honoring the dead. The Roman Catholic Church created All Saints Day (also called Hallomas) on November 1st to honor Saints and All Souls Day on November 2and to honor and pray for the souls of the dead. These holidays were created by the church, in part to downplay the pagan holidays. Needless to say, it did not succeed. Halloween as we know it today, has grown from the ancient Druid Holiday. Along the way both fun, frights, and Satanic twists have been added to the mix.

Halloween Pt. 3 Week 27/52

Via Flickr:
25 Scary Halloween Movies To Watch On Halloween:

1. The Omen
2. Psycho
3.The Amityville Horror
4. Rosemary's Baby
5. The Exorcist
6. Friday the 13th
7. Poltergeist
8. A Nightmare on Elm Street
9. The Shining
10. Halloween
11. An American Werewolf in London
12. The Fog
13. The Blair Witch Project
14. Saw
15. The Ring
16. The Vanishing
17. Hellraiser
18. Dawn of the Dead
19. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
20. Carrie
21. Night of the Living Dead
22. Children of the Corn
23. The Evil Dead
24. The Descent
25. The Hills Have Eyes

seen 2/25

Home Is Where you Make It. Week 26/52

Via Flickr:
Old Cajun Man: [In a muffled back water accent] Home is where you make it.
Joe Dirt: What?
Old Cajun Man: Home is where you make it.
Joe Dirt: You like to see homos naked?
Old Cajun Man: No, no, no. Home. It's where you make it.
Joe Dirt: Yeah, you like to see homos naked. That's cool.
Old Cajun Man: No! Home is where you make it!
Joe Dirt: Oh.
Old Cajun Man: Everybody knows that. God damn, boy.
Old Cajun Man walks away.
Joe Dirt: Guy likes to see homos naked, that doesn't help me. &

Book List. Week 25/52

Book List. Week 25/52 by ms. wallflower
Book List. Week 25/52, a photo by ms. wallflower on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
What are five things people don’t know about you?

1. I was born in Mexico.
2. I stay up way late at night.
3. I care what people think.
4. I learned English when i was 7.
5. I lived in Washington Sate.

| In this Picture:

Here are books in my reading list:

-Photography For Dummies, (i didn't even open the book)

-Anna and the French Kiss( i loved it! i want to read Lola and the boy next door?)

-The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening and The Struggle (Uhhhgg. I'm having such a hard time finishing this book.)

-Just a drawing book.

-Zombies VS. Unicorns( i read a few pages, didn't finish it)

-Feed ( Re-new'd it, so i will read it)

-The Book Thief (honestly i didn't even open it )

-Wicked ( i got it b/c i had already started reading it, but had to return it to the library and never finish reading it, i didn't finish reading it again)

-It's Kind of a Funny Story ( currently reading, at first it was an okay book but I'm now just getting into it)

-Something Borrowed ( I saw the movie and i really liked it, once i started reading the book, i couldn't finish, the main character is so annoying i had to stop reading, maybe next time)

I didn't even finish half of them, so like me. I will eventually finish reading them... some day, i don't now why i haven't been reading, in between school and being lazy i can't focus on the books. Disappointing i only finished one :(

What's in your reading list? |
