Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cucurbitophobia. Week 31/52

Via Flickr:
Cucurbitophobia: Fear of pumpkins

| What is something you fear?

I am not deathly afraid of anything in particular, but i am afraid of your general stuff, being buried alive, losing someone i love, the dark, scary things, ghost, y'know all that.

But i do have this one fear, where basically i can never out run this dog that is always chasing me in my dreams. I always seem to run in slow motion, and no matter how much i try to run fast i can't. My legs always seem to feel like they weight a ton, and i fear that this dog is going to attack me and kill me. I don't know where this comes from, and i have this dream quiet often that i know how its going to end.
Whats your biggest fear?|


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