Monday, July 25, 2011

Feels like Summer. 11/52

Via Flickr:
A genie granted you three wishes, what will your three wishes be? And why?

-to get my schooling and career on the right track.
-to be able to travel the world.
-for my family to have unconditional love, luck, and happiness for their rest of their lives.

| In this picture:
late spring in may, white lilac. neighbors garden.

It's finally looking like summer around here in Chicago, after a loong rainy April. Now that May is almost over, it should be getting warmer. I'm not too fond of warm weather, i do like my fall/Autumn. But i'm really looking forward to this summer, i have a wedding and a QuinceaƱera to go to.Anyway,
Whats your favorite season?|

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